CASCD's committees are where much of our work gets done, and serving on a committee is a great way to build collegial relationships with educators across the state. Listed below are the standing committees, their purpose and their chair.
Governance & Membership
Governance Membership Chairperson – Sharron Zoller
- To review, study and recommend any changes in the Bylaws, Strategic Plan, and governance structure of the affiliate.
- To explore methods of recruiting, retaining and increasing members.
- To nominate candidates for election to the CASCD Board.
- To recommend, secure and implement programs and marketing ideas that promote the Association and recognizes outstanding educator achievements.
- To oversee the Outstanding Instructional Leader of the Year Award, developing the application, process and award recognition.
- To recommend and implement membership campaigns.
- To determine needed Board Development
- Serve as an unofficial CASCD emissary while attending workshops, conference and other professional activities by promoting CASCD as may be appropriate.
Professional Development
Professional Development Chairperson – Derrick Lawson
- Identifies the professional growth issues and needs of the CASCD membership.
- Develops and implements a yearly professional development plan.
- Seeks to identify and showcase instructional practices.
- Sharing of best practices within CASCD membership and in California that accelerate student learning.
- Surveying members about professional development needs.
- Evaluating current offerings and researching topics and speakers.
- Monitor the publications and resources of ASCD to inform committee recommendations.
- Monitor the offerings of other educational organizations so that CASCD is providing unique offerings and filling gaps as identified by committee members.
- Monitor changing curricular and programmatic requirements within California to inform recommendations.
- To provide input to the Executive Director regarding speakers, facilities, pricing and all aspects of our professional learning opportunities.
- Coordinate and facilitate high quality professional development that is consistent with the vision and mission of CASCD.
Products, Services & Technology
Products, Services and Technology Chairperson – Jason Borgen
- Implement effective use of social media.
- Organize new services for CASCD members.
- Maintaining the organization website.
- Recommending professional development opportunities related to technology.
- Explore involvement of Educators of the Year and Emerging Leaders
- To develop and oversee the orientation and mentoring of new board members.
- To oversee how CASCD plans for, generates and uses resources in ways that advance the organization’s goals
California Educator Advocates
Calif. Educator Advocates Chairperson - Dr. Michele Bowers
- Collaborate with other educational partners and governmental entities to promote high quality education in California.
- Develop and expand CASCD influence in legislative policies that impact education.
- Develop and implement the Influence Grant when available.
- Develop policy positions, letters and talking points that follow CASCD’s mission and goals.
- Ensure awareness of CASCD/ASCD among state legislators as a premier professional organization inclusive of teachers and administrators.
- Influence policies and regulations that impact educational programs and policies for California educators.
- Plan visits to local legislators and visit them in Sacramento when possible.
- Promote the resources and benefits of CASCD while attending workshops, conferences and other professional activities.